Jack House Opening Trim

About this product

The Jack House Opening Trim (#58795-47010), a key body part in the Mat & Carpet system of Toyota vehicles, plays a significant functional role. This trim helps to keep the car's jack safely stowed when not in use, ensuring it doesn't shift or cause noise during transit. Genuine Jack House Opening Trim (#58795-47010) parts offer precise fit and finish, providing optimal vehicle compatibility. They also come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind to all owners. With time, wear and tear can lead to the trim becoming loose or broken, which could result in the jack becoming unsecured. In this scenario, unanticipated movement of the jack could cause damage to the car's interior or present a safety hazard. Regular replacement of this trim preserves the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, contributing to a smooth and worry-free driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58795-47010

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